Our body care services



Pressotherapy45 min300 UAH
Suit for pressotherapy60 UAH
Vacuum massage30 min250 UAH
Hot wrap30 min250 UAH
Cold wrapping30 min250 UAH


Bikini line270 UAH
Deep bikini370 UAH
Legs completely370 UAH
Leg with knee250 UAH
Thighs with knees280 UAH
Buttocks150 UAH
Hands completely200 UAH
Hands to the elbow160 UAH
Armpits150 UAH
Whiskers100 UAH
Face200 UAH
Back450 UAH
Across150 UAH


Pressotherapy 15 procedures + vacuum massage 15 procedures + wrapping 15 procedures + Guide from the Nutritionist

A set of procedures:

  • corrects the figure.
  • stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • relaxes muscles.
  • removes swelling and congestion.
  • improves skin condition,
  • activates metabolism.

The nutritionist’s guide includes:

  • What is cellulite and why it appears.
  • What role does the proper functioning of the lymphatic system play in the slimness of our body and smooth skin.
  • How to understand that there are malfunctions in the work of the lymph and what should be done to improve its work.
  • How to properly build a plate of healthy food for a slim body and smooth skin.
  • What are the top 10 anti-cellulite products you should include in your diet.
  • How much and what kind of drinks to drink.
  • How to take care of the body at home, so that the result of slimness and smooth skin is fixed for a long time.
  • 15 procedures and a guide forever.

When paying for the full course, you pay instead of 13,000 \ TOTAL 11,000 UAH


Pressotherapy 12 procedures + Wrapping 12 procedures. The course is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Pressotherapy is a completely painless procedure. After its completion, the patient feels a pleasant warmth that spreads throughout the body. The duration of the procedure usually does not exceed 30-45 minutes. Most often, pressotherapy is used for edema and excess weight. But in some other cases, doctors recommend to undergo this procedure.

Positive results are observed after the procedure. The swelling of the skin disappears, the work of the internal organs normalizes, the tone of the vessel walls increases, weight decreases, and figure flaws are noticeably corrected. Also, after pressotherapy, the body recovers from injuries and surgical intervention much faster. After treatment with pressotherapy, a person’s mood usually improves.

In essence, pressotherapy is lipodrainage, during which a large number of harmful substances in the body are naturally removed together with excess fluid and various toxins that later accumulate due to poor ecology. Moreover, not only the part of the body that is subjected to the procedure improves, the entire body and appearance are noticeably improved.

The effect of pressotherapy in the salon is visible almost immediately after the first visit. The patient is visited by a feeling of lightness in the lower limbs almost immediately after the end of the procedure, a surge of energy and strength, along with a good mood.

When paying for the full course, you pay UAH 5400 instead of UAH 6600

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